Saturday, March 16, 2019

Coffee: stimulates or hurts?

My last cup of coffee was accompanied by a strong heartbeat and trembling hands. It was both scary and very funny. Like I sit in a cafe, I drink coffee on a date, and my heart is pounding in my ears and everything falls out of my hands. When I stopped shaking, the desire to indulge in coffee disappeared along with that shiver. For several years I have not taken a single sip of this drink and have never missed it. I like its smell, and I would not give up the perfume with a coffee aroma, but as a drink, coffee is too strong and not a necessary stimulant for me.

With coffee, it is important to understand how this drink affects you and whether it is worth it. Coffee invigorates, stimulates, relieves drowsiness, and often rescues those with severely reduced pressure. True, this effect is short-lived, and when it disappears, we need a second and then a third cup. An addiction is gradually formed when, without morning coffee, the head is either sore or “does not work”.
Perhaps it would be better to sell coffee in pharmacies and to write out strictly according to the prescription because here the dosage and reaction of a particular organism are important. A surge of cheerfulness is often followed by irritability and increased anxiety, and in the long run, depletion of nerve cells and a problem with adrenal glands.
Like alcohol, coffee dehydrates and acidifies the body. Regular consumption of coffee prevents absorption and flushes out calcium, magnesium, potassium and other trace elements from the body. Dehydrating coffee can dull the feeling of thirst, so for every cup of coffee you should always drink one or two glasses of water. The love of coffee also does not fit well with the health of the stomach and can lead to gastritis.
But there is the other side. There are interviews with some centenarians who started every morning with a cup of coffee and got to their centenary. Coffee can also improve memory and concentration due to the influence of caffeine. In some cases, coffee works as an analgesic, relieving headaches. And in good coffee, there is a whole collection of antioxidants.

Coffee does not seem to be the worst of modern evils. I am sure that those who drink a cup of coffee every day, eat moderately and enjoy life, will live longer and more fun than those who suffer from loneliness and overeating every day, even if they fill their stomachs only healthy and natural products. There is a general picture - a state of balance or imbalance, in which a cup of coffee may not be the decisive factor.
Coffee substitute

Instead of coffee, I do morning exercises, yoga, or jumping on a trampoline to the music. Exercises improve blood circulation, there is a surge of vitality without any energy and further side effects. You become an energy drink for yourself. And you can recharge from yourself at any time.

My second replacement to a cup of coffee is daily freshly squeezed juice from vegetables and greens. Or a green smoothie, in which instead of caffeine chlorophyll is responsible for cheerfulness. Unlike coffee to juices and smoothies, there is no addiction, no breaking, headache or breakdown when you are left without a juicer or blender for a couple of days. No juice - ok, there is a smoothie. No, and smoothies - ok, you can just eat fresh fruit or vegetables.

If coffee has become the habit that you want to get rid of, this will also help:

  • Hot water with the addition of lemon and ginger - it will invigorate and help improve digestion, but without caffeine effects.
  • Freshly squeezed juices from vegetables and greens. Take celery, cucumbers, parsley, add an apple, carrot or ginger and you will have an excellent cocktail with a generous set of vitamins and minerals.
  • Chicory drink is suitable for those who love coffee for its taste and aroma. Chicory is similar to coffee, but it does not contain a gram of caffeine. If you liked coffee with milk, add a little almond or hazelnut milk to the chicory drink.
  • Green tea can help out of caffeine addiction. It contains caffeine, but in smaller quantities. Even better, choose herbal tea without caffeine, such as rooibos or a mix of spices and herbs.
  • Hot cocoa drinks perfectly saturate and also stimulate, but much softer than coffee. Use natural cocoa, no added sugar or powdered milk. 

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